Here are some dietary tips for surviving social isolation during the pandemic..
Here are some dietary tips for surviving social isolation during the pandemic..
Yes, it is institutional racism – but that is not my specialty, so I am not going to comment on its outsized role. Others who are studying the effects of racial disparity are much better at explaining it than me. There will be lots of commentary about all the ways America has failed its African American population. However, I’m a clinical dietitian who has counseled 100’s of middle-aged African American males and can speak about that.
You couldn’t blame anyone from believing we are living in a dystopian fictional novel right now.
Resiliency is the buzz word of the 2020’s. The Food and Agriculture Organization defines resilience as “the ability to prevent disasters and crises as well as to anticipate, absorb, accommodate or recover from them in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner.” Is our food supply resilient?
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