Eat and Grow Healthy

Category: Victory Gardening Page 1 of 2

Mint to be

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My herb garden, 2020

I’ve written about rosemary and the mint family of herbs and spices here and here so I won’t go into detail about the history, medicinal quality, and specific uses.

How to Grow Rosemary

Learn from an expert on plants how to grow rosemary.

Which herbs and spices?

Much of the herbs and spices we use today in the US were traditionally used by countries around the Mediterranean basin.

Herbs and spices in health

Herbs and spices have some of the highest antioxidant activity of all food

“Pepper Expensive”

The history of herbs and spices is intertwined with the history of human civilization.

A new series: herbs, spices, and wellness

My original intent was to write about a few spices and herbs and their use in food and as medicine, but the more I researched them, the more interesting this topic became. So, I decided a series would do this justice rather than a simple blog post.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in learning and writing about it.

5 things you can do now to improve your health

Processed foods, as defined by the USDA, is any food that has undergone any changes from its natural state. 

Every garden a fight against climate change

Wondering what you can do to flight climate change? It may be easier than you think.

COVID-19: Why you need to support your local farmer

From Reprinted with permission.

Resiliency is the buzz word of the 2020’s. The Food and Agriculture Organization defines resilience as “the ability to prevent disasters and crises as well as to anticipate, absorb, accommodate or recover from them in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner.” Is our food supply resilient?  

Everyone can grow something to eat

Charlie and the beet

Charlie and the beet..

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