Eat and Grow Healthy

Category: Buy This!

You Should Buy Organic…but Not for the Reason You Think

USDA Certified Organic Seal

How to Grow Rosemary

Learn from an expert on plants how to grow rosemary.

Diet for Kidney Health

My interview with kidney disease expert Nina Kolbe, MS, RD…

Tips and Recipes for Kidney Disease

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If you have kidney disease…or want to avoid it, check out these books…

Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon vs. Cassia Cinnamon: Which Is Healthier? - WSJ
Ceylon cinnamon from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island country located in the Indian ocean in South Asia, is known for its herbs and spices – in particular Ceylon cinnamon.

I recommend Row 7 Seeds

From Robin’s koginut squash

What do I know about seeds? Barely nothing until I started teaching a course on food systems. I’ve become increasingly more concerned about our food. I came across the Row 7 Seed Company and their quest to produce food that tastes good. You see, the use of synthetic fertilizer, while it increases growth rate and pesticide resistance, also increases greenhouse gases and causes plants to make more carbohydrate.  Plants are bigger but less nutritious and lack a robust flavor you’d remember if you were alive in the 40’s and 50’s. Row-7 breeds seeds for favor and color rather than size, and they don’t patent their seeds – something companies like Monsanto do with negative effects on farmers. The company is working with chefs around the country to create food that tastes good.

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