“Grow it for two ends, it matters not at all, Be it for my bridal or burial.”
~ 7th century poet Robert Herrick
Here are some dietary tips for surviving social isolation during the pandemic..
My interview with kidney disease expert Nina Kolbe, MS, RD…
Much of the herbs and spices we use today in the US were traditionally used by countries around the Mediterranean basin.
The history of herbs and spices is intertwined with the history of human civilization.
My original intent was to write about a few spices and herbs and their use in food and as medicine, but the more I researched them, the more interesting this topic became. So, I decided a series would do this justice rather than a simple blog post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in learning and writing about it.
Sri Lanka, an island country located in the Indian ocean in South Asia, is known for its herbs and spices – in particular Ceylon cinnamon.
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