Eat and Grow Healthy

Author: thesmarteater Page 3 of 4

Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon vs. Cassia Cinnamon: Which Is Healthier? - WSJ
Ceylon cinnamon from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island country located in the Indian ocean in South Asia, is known for its herbs and spices – in particular Ceylon cinnamon.

Stop Chronic Inflammation

Reducing excess body fat should be the first step to reduce inflammation in the body – the most common cause of disease.

Inflammation: The good, bad, and ugly

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The five characteristics of acute inflammation: pain, heat, swelling, redness, immobility

Your immune system is amazing.  When your body is infected or injured, the immediate response is to repair and keep you healthy. 

My 5 top reasons African American males are dying disproportionately from COVID-19

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Yes, it is institutional racism – but that is not my specialty, so I am not going to comment on its outsized role.  Others who are studying the effects of racial disparity are much better at explaining it than me.  There will be lots of commentary about all the ways America has failed its African American population.  However, I’m a clinical dietitian who has counseled 100’s of middle-aged African American males and can speak about that. 

High blood pressure is a serious health problem

You couldn’t blame anyone from believing we are living in a dystopian fictional novel right now. 

5 things you can do now to improve your health

Processed foods, as defined by the USDA, is any food that has undergone any changes from its natural state. 

Every garden a fight against climate change

Wondering what you can do to flight climate change? It may be easier than you think.

Nutrition for high blood pressure


What role do nitrates have on your blood pressure?

The grapefruit diet

Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

COVID-19: Why you need to support your local farmer

From Reprinted with permission.

Resiliency is the buzz word of the 2020’s. The Food and Agriculture Organization defines resilience as “the ability to prevent disasters and crises as well as to anticipate, absorb, accommodate or recover from them in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner.” Is our food supply resilient?  

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